Many of our analytical measurement scientists and technicians of tomorrow are the chemistry and STEM students in our high schools today.
Today’s students view their CHEMISTRY and related STEM experiences with completely differing perspectives and goals. They will likely see themselves as being in one of the following five (5) categories
- Advanced students who are already successful in their chemistry and related STEM courses – they simply want additional exposure to new scientific subject matter to improve their academic readiness for admission to the college of their choice to study chemistry or any related STEM subject. These students strive for academic excellence and have a continued thirst for knowledge.
- Struggling students who are definitely intrigued with chemistry and related STEM courses but are stagnating or under-achieving in their current courses – they simply need a new source of inspiration or motivation to rekindle their interest in chemistry in a manner that can readily expand their scientific horizons in preparation for college or the scientific workforce. These students may be “sleeping giants” or “diamonds in the rough” that only need an appropriate type of scientific mentorship to succeed.
- Disinterested students who tolerate being enrolled in a chemistry or related STEM course only because it is a curriculum requirement for their current major such as pre-med or pre-health – they simply need a fresh instructional approach that frames the course material in such a way so that is much more meaningful and relational to their actual career objective. These students have the potential to enlighten their career journeys with an awareness of measurement-centric chemistry.
- Disinterested students who completely avoid enrollment in a chemistry or related STEM course because of some pre-conceived negative perception or mindset but, who indeed, actually have the POTENTIAL to pursue the study of STEM courses – they simply need to be inspired and motivated by an event that transcends the traditional school experience such as being exposed to an innovative scientific curriculum that facilitates the opening of doors to scientific career employment opportunities that until now were unknown to them. These students may actually have a hidden or untapped aptitude for chemistry and related STEM subjects that simply needs to be unleashed.
- Inaccessible students who have limited or no access to chemistry and STEM education – they simply need to be put in a position where they would have more opportunity and affordable access. These students typically are from families of disadvantaged social-economic backgrounds or from families that may live in very small or remote geographical areas.
The Stranska Academy is an educational beacon for high school and post-secondary chemistry students. With its hands-on educational model and emphasis on analytical metrology in chemistry, the academy offers a comprehensive and unparalleled solution to each and every student. Some may also view this as being analogous to a career and technical education (CTE) program.
Analytical metrology often involves the operation and maintenance of computer-controlled analytical instrumentation and statistical treatment of measurement data. Therefore, in addition to chemistry students, the academy lab classes should also be of interest and value to some mathematics and engineering students.